He was once a nice desk lamp, or tall living room lamp, and St. An altered/broken appliance, just like all the others.The director was not involved with the sequels and says he never even watched them.
#What is the brave little toaster about movie

And Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars is canon, it's in the book.He was good at fixing appliances, so he decided to try fixing living things.Either that or they are being told by an Unreliable Narrator (possibly Lampy). My conclusion? The sequels are just figments of Blanky's imagination. Also, I realized that in the sequels, things that shouldn't be alive are, such as a faucet (not electrical or mechanical) and a computer mouse (the mouse should simply be an appendage). The sequels are not canonThere's proof here: If Rob was such a good mechanic, why the crap did he decide to become a veterinarian instead? Talk about wasted talent. That is, until the Toaster and friends *save* them. All of the appliances trapped in his shop are former believers who've lost their faith. Peter is Satan, his dog Quadroped standing for Cerberus, the guard dog of Hell. Salvation through grace, those that truly suffered beyond their capacity to cope are believed to be granted salvation in several sub-sects of Christianity.Master's ability to fix the appliances is another sign he is Jesus. What about fixing up the air conditioner? Does that mean He forgives and heals even those who lose faith?.However, in the end, they don't find him. No matter how many dangers they face, they never lose hope that they will find him. Their many adventures are metaphorical for the trials and tribulations of life. They are almost tricked into thinking that he has abandoned them, but they overcome this and set off to find him and the City of Light (Heaven). The movie is a Christian allegory dealing with Christ's second coming.Just think about it: five appliances wait patiently for their Master to return (God/Jesus is sometimes called our Master).